Make A Pact

A Glimmering From Above by Linden O’Ryan

A Glimmering From Above by Linden O’Ryan

Signing is an ACT of courage

The PACT is an agreement to learn new ways to address overwhelming sadness, grief, anger, anxiety, and feelings of loss or despair. Signing is an ACT of courage and an effort to enhance a healing journey. Your signature is a commitment to ACT in healthy ways when you find yourself suffering from overwhelming emotions.

This PACT was life saving for me. In the past when I felt triggered and unworthy of the help I needed, I used the ACTS and Knowing Acts as a stopgap measure to lead me to a place where I could seek professional help. I promised myself that when I was triggered I would grab my book and follow the ACTS that worked for me. Knowing Acts is a customizable workbook that will help you find ACTS that work for your own personal healing journey. You can order Knowing Acts and sign the PACT in workbook, edit the PACT to work for you, or simply download this free sample ACT, sign the PACT and start a journal of your own ACTS. 


Remember: what we focus on expands. Focus on calm. 

Please join the conversation. We would love to hear from you! Do you have healing thoughts or ACTS to share. If so please comment below. If you like Knowing Acts please spread the word and leave a review on Amazon. And if you like this blog please consider subscribing and commenting below. Singular acts of compassion can have a profound impact through generations. You never know whom you might inspire or where it might lead. 


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